Knowledgebase: How To's
How To - Add a category
Posted by Bruce Kamm on January 05 2013 10:45 PM

Q: I need to add a category. Is this something I can do myself?

A: Categories must be added at a top level so that all exchanges are using the same category list to select categories from. Therefore, just let us know what you would like added by posting a ticket, and whether it is a business category (directory), item category (marketplace), or both.

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Comments (3)
Troy Goldenthal
October 28 2013 08:42 PM
Please add the following to the directory categories;

Acting Lessons
Voice Lessons
Corporate Training
Confidence Training

Thank you,

vBarter Support
October 29 2013 04:47 AM
Thank you for the update. They were added as business categories.
Troy Goldenthal
October 31 2013 04:11 AM
Can you please add the business category: Contractors - Audio/Visual.

Thank you,

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