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Q&A - Is UC the most widely accepted trade credit and should I get a UC account?
Posted by Bruce Kamm on December 31 2009 07:33 PM
Q: Is UC the most widely accepted trade credit and should I get a UC account? A: The most widely accepted common currency is UC which is managed by IRTA. Having a UC account will enable you to satisfy your member's requests for products, services or travel that may not be available from members within your exchange. The trade purchasing opportunities with UC are excellent, as there are about 75 very strong exchanges participating in this common currency. And a UC account will provide you with additional sales opportunities of excess items in your exchange, to other exchanges worldwide, which will increase your trade velocity and revenues. Keep in mind that you should have at least 50 members or significant trade offers before joining UC in order to have a sufficient variety of trade opportunities to offer to UC member exchanges to make sales.
If you are interested in IRTA or UC, Ron Whitney, IRTA’s Executive Director will provide vBarter enabled exchanges with special considerations and pricing for membership in IRTA, convention attendance, and UC. You can email Ron at:
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