Knowledgebase: vBarter FAQ's
How To - Have two different fee structures?
Posted by Bruce Kamm on January 14 2010 01:31 AM

Q: How can I have two different fee structures?

A: Currently, you can have only one default fee structure for new members. But, you can change the fee structure on a member by member basis. So, it would be best to make the default fee structure the one that you prefer most members to accept, which will display when members click on the Transaction Fees link at the bottom of the Join form, and then modify the fess for members that prefer the other fee structure.

You can detail the two fee structures on the About page, for example, and indicate that members can select the other fee structure (the non-default one) by clicking on a link. The link can be a maito link that will automatically bring up the members email software and populate it with your email address and whatever subject you want.

Bruce Kamm
VirtualBarter Support Team

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