Knowledgebase: vBarter Features
Batch Processing - Terms vs No Terms Setting
Posted by Bruce Kamm on February 11 2015 12:07 AM

The way Batch Processing settings work is that each member can be set to Terms = Yes or Terms = No.

If set to Terms = Yes, you can process their fees anytime.

When you display the Accounts that can be batch processed, only the accounts that are set to Yes will display, as those set to No cannot be manually processed.

You can force the display of the accounts set to No so you can view them and their balances, by checking the Display All box at the top.

If set to Terms = No, then the cash fees will process at the same time as the trade transaction.

An account can only be processed one way or the other, but not both. We cannot manually process cash fees owed for an account set to Terms = No anytime, as these fees are processed in real time during the transaction processing, whereby members set to Terms = Yes are not processed in real time.

If there’s a decline on a cash amount owed on an account set to No, the only way to manually process it, is to change their setting to Yes, process the amount owed, and then reset it to No, so their fees are once again processed at the same time of the trade transaction.

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