See attached PDF to learn how to create a reminder.
See attached PDF to Learn how to use the e-mail template builder.
See attached PDF for directions on how to add an exchange
Q: Is UC the most widely accepted trade credit and should I get a UC
A: The most widely accepted common currency is UC which is managed by
IRTA. Having a UC account will enable you to satisfy your member's
requests for products, services o...
Following details a highly successful sales incentive program for
salespeople that actually generated over 200 new members per year with
just two to three salespeople.
Note: Sales commissions were based on a $495 or higher new member
set-up fee ch...
VirtualBarter has a built in Loyalty Program, which stimulates trade
spending by enabling members to fund a consumer loyalty program with
their trade dollars and transfer trade to consumers.
The Loyalty Program can be enabled on the Exchange Setting...
Q: When I search for a specific state, Arizona, for example, only a
few businesses show, when I know that we have more businesses in that
state on our global directory. Why does this happen? A: You need to
determine which search you are using, and if it...
Q: Needing some help updating a few accounts and charging fees...
can't seem to see where to charge?
A: Batch processing to charge member's credit cards is done at
Exchange > processing > Batch Processing. Note that members must be
set to Terms=Yes in ...
Q: How do we generate invoices for all our members?
A: Under Exchange, there is a link to send statements to members.
Q: What about an exchange without a domain yet? Do you secure or
register a domain for an exchange?
A: We don't register or secure domain names, as that is something you
will always want to do, so that you maintain control of the domain.
Q: Do I ...
Q: Where can I get a list of brokers from different exchanges?
A: There is a Report labeled Exchanges in that
contains the contact details for active exchanges that wish to
collaborate with other exchanges.
Q: Is there a provision for an exchange owner to issue trade credit
loan or credit lines to members within the system? And is there a
feature for a clearinghouse admin to restrict the amount of a credit
line sub exchanges can issue to their members? A: ...
Q: How can I email specific members as a group? For example a VIP
group or all Gardeners? A: Currently, you could email all members or
select members, but not by selecting their business category.
Q: How do I go about getting barter into the system to get started?
A: You get barter into the system by setting up credit lines for each
member business, much like a credit card company establishes credit
lines for cardholders. The main difference ...
We have several turnkey custom websites for sale, which have domain
names associated with them. These include: [1], [2] and [3]. As they are
custom sites with vBarter integrated into them, there ...
Q: We have been adding items to our marketplace. How exactly do we
join with other exchanges to better our network? A: Your Exchange
Groups links need to be set. We can eliminate exchanges you don't want
to be linked to. You can view a list of exchanges...
Q: How do I get daily reports of sales, incoming money, outgoing
money, etc.?
A: All of this information can be found by selecting a report under
the Reports tab.
Q: Is PayPal already set up on Virtual Barter? A: The vBarter system
does not integrate with PayPal, as it does not provide gateway
functionality so that after payments are processed vBarter can update
all of the member accounts with payments received o...
Q: Why are my new items not showing and come up "item not found"?
A: a bit of troubleshooting is necessary. Check your settings!
There is a setting on the Exchange tab to require all items be
approved by an admin before displaying in the marketpl...
Answer: see attached presentation with a full overview including
Q: What's the difference in the various types of contacts? A: For
each member account, there can be a primary, secondary and tertiary
contact. The primary is added from the manage members page, the
secondary and tertiary is added or viewed by clicking o...
BXI Automated E-mail Tutorial [1] from VirtualBarter [2] on Vimeo
To watch the video click _Watch on Vimeo_ and enter code VB2014
As recommended by Harold Rice a CPA knowledgeable about barter
exchange operations and proper recordkeeping for the IRS, an exchange
should maintain five operating accounts: General Operating
Account - for all trade dollar income and for all trade...
There are several "out of the box" ways to get and track referrals....
Many years ago, when I owned a barter exchange in NYC, we used
Purchase Orders to not only get referrals from members, but also to
show the referred companies that we had immediate new...
Q: When we run the month-end processing, it asks if we want to
process credit cards. What do we respond if we want them to process on
a different date? A: Check the option "Do Not Charge Credit Cards"
or the software will run the batch process for...
Q: How can I send emails with new marketplace offers to members?
A: vBarter features an automated email App to send an email to
members from your admin account with your logo on it. You can set
it to send daily or weekly, and it will include all ...
Q: How does the Marketplace link work? A: The Marketplace link
displays items you have listed in your Marketplace as well as global
item offers from members of other exchanges your exchange may be
linked to when a user clicks on Global.
Q: How do trade transactions get posted to member accounts once the
trade has been completed?
A: It's automatic. When a seller posts a trade, or a buyer puts an
item or items in their shopping cart and completes the purchase, the
trade is automatical...
Q: What is the difference between Broker Productivity and Broker
Commissions Report, and why does the Productivity Report only display
trade sales?
A: The broker productivity report only shows trade purchases,
theoretically transactions that the bro...
A: How do I send email to other exchange owners and brokers?
Q: vBarter has an internal email app to send email to one, several or
all vBarter exchange and or brokers. You can even add images, videos
and html tags to make your email look attractive....
Q: How do I setup and determine broker commissions?
A:Once you convert a member account to a broker account, you can then
click edit to set the broker permissions as well as the commissions
percentages for each broker. Next, assign brokers to member...
Q: If I cancel or close a members account, does an automated email go
to the member indicating that their account has been closed or will I
have to email manually?
A: When an account is closed, it goes into a closed folder and is not
deleted. You ca...
Following details the reports available to manage a barter exchange.
There are 22 completely different reports and a total of 50+ different
report views. The reports can be viewed in HTML on the screen or
downloaded as an Excel/CSV file. Many of the repor...
There are four pre-approved designs available for the Trade Card that
you can select from. If you prefer, you could produce your own design
and provide camera ready art for approval by MasterCard by following
these specification guidelines.
We welcome your ideas and comments about features or functionality
you would like to see in the next version of vBarter software.
vBarter generates a unique system wide 14 digit trade ID each time a
new member account is created by a member, admin or broker, which is
similar to a Visa or MC number. You can find the Trade ID on each
member's information screen, by clicking on Mem...
Setting Terms to No will cause cash fees to be charged in real time
at the same time as the trade transaction. Most exchanges set Terms to
Yes, so that they can process fees monthly or at will any time they
Setting Terms to No is typically used ...
(IRB) .01 All information returns filed through the FIRE system are
processed at IRS/IRB. General
inquiries concerning the filing of information returns should be sent
to the follo...
A one minute Marketplace video explaining how to increase your trade
Use this template for trade card set up if you have a designer
designing your card.
The backside attachment is generic for all cards. VB will send this
backside with your custom/templated card art.
Q: Do you host the vBarter software for exchanges on cloud servers,
or do I need to host on my server?
A: Yes, we host the software for exchanges on cloud servers at Amazon
and Rackspace. There is nothing for you to install on your servers.
Members can create up to 99 sub-accounts for employees, family
members, vendors and suppliers, and then transfer trade to their
Sub-accounts are similar to additional cardholders on credit card
accounts. The benefit for an exchange is ...
Q: Who files 1099b data with the IRS?
A:VirtualBarter provides the data for you to file electronically
using the IRS eFile FIRE system.
In, under Reports, you will find a 1099b section
where you can review 1099b info in HTML on...
Suggested reading for all barter exchanges.... link to IRTA Advisroy
Memo about Barter Exchange Deficits:
A: fill out the attached data import master sheet. If you add the
data in the proper columns, we could import it at no charge.
***If we have to data map and write a custom script, it could easily
take 10 to 15 hours at $35/hour.
To watch the video click Watch on Vimeo and enter code VB2014
VB Manage Demo [1] from VirtualBarter [2] on Vimeo [3].
Q: Can you help with content managment guidance?
A: As this can prove to be a time consuming task, our relationship
managers can help with new exchange set up and initial content
management assistance, but if you have ongoing content revisions
To watch the video click Watch on Vimeo and enter code VB2014
A multi-page Join form provides the opportunity to capture contact
information on the first page in the event the prospect abandons the
application process for one reason or another.
We moved the credit card request on the last page, so if a prospec...