vBarter - Custom Site Designs
Posted by Bruce Kamm on February 27 2010 09:54 AM

A custom design is exclusive and unique for your exchange. These custom exchanges can have software plug-ins such as feedback, tell a friend (viral marketing), community applications, social networking, iPhone App connectivity, etc. They can also combine other applications such as content management using Worpress or Joomla, where all of the applications have the same design theme so that the members experience when they transition from one app to the other is seamless. 

Examples of two custom sites just completed are: www.communitycredits.com and www.gotomrn.com. Communitiy Credits, (which still needs to add their content) has many open source social networking applications with their vBarter barter app. MRN has many custom API's that integrates their legacy software merchant processing platform with their vBarter enabled site. 
We are also working on developing two custom sites that use templates rather than a custom design that can be viewed at www.realtradecommunity.com and www.barterbook.com.
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