Merchant Rewards - Co-op Advertising Rebate
Posted by Bruce Kamm on November 13 2009 07:53 PM
VirtualBarter & MRN will provide Affiliates with access to a $50 million inventory of radio, cable TV, newspaper and inflight magazine advertising that you can offer, promote and sell to your exchange members. 
The trade dollar proceeds from media sales would be paid to a VirtualBarter or MRN Media Group account and then, VirtualBarter or MRN will co-op rebate 50% of the trade proceeds from the sale of the advertising to your exchange's Merchant Rewards account, which will assist with funding your Merchant Rewards program.
The math is simple... sell a $25,000 media campaign to a member. Besides the cash transaction fees you will earn from your member's $25,000 trade, you will get $12,500 deposited to your Merchant Rewards account. The $12,500 will fund Rewards on about $2 million in credit card processing (based on 1% Rewards on the first $50,000 of monthly processing and 1/2 of 1% thereafter).


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